Results for 'C. L. Van der Berg'

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  1.  12
    Kerk en Owerheid, en die Rassevraagstuk in Suid-Afrika.C. L. Van der Berg - 1960 - HTS Theological Studies 16 (3).
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. de Fraine, J. M. Tison, P. van Doornik, S. Trooster, J. Lambrecht, P. Ahsmann, P. Fransen, J. Mulders, A. van Kol, H. van der Meer, M. de Wachter, L. Braeckmans, J. de Roeck, T. Coppens, J. Vercruysse, L. Bakker, J. van Torre, A. Poncelet, C. Verhaak, T. ten Berge, N. Sprokel, H. van Luijk & M. De Tollenaere - 1965 - Bijdragen 26 (3):342-360.
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    (1 other version)Mercy, Murder, and Morality.C. J. van der Berge, Herman H. van der Kloot Meijburg, I. van der Sluis, Henk Rigter, Courtney S. Campbell, Bette-Jane Crigger, J. G. M. Aarsten, P. V. Admiraal, I. D. de Beaufort, Th M. G. van Berkestijin, J. B. van Borssum Waalkes, E. Borst-Eilers, W. H. Cense, H. S. Cohen, H. M. Dupuis, W. Everaerd, J. K. M. Gevers, H. W. A. Hilhorst, W. R. Kastelein, H. H. van der Kloot Meijburg, H. M. Kuitert, H. J. J. Leemen, C. van der Meer, J. C. Molenaar, H. D. C. Roscam Abbing, H. Roelink, E. Schroten, C. P. Sporken, E. Ph R. Sutorius, J. Tromp Meesters, M. A. M. de Wachter, Abraham van der Spek & Richard Fenigsen - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (6):47.
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    Randomized Controlled Trials of Maternal‐Fetal Surgery: A Challenge to Clinical Equipoise.H. C. M. L. Rodrigues & P. P. van den Berg - 2012 - Bioethics 28 (8):405-413.
    This article focuses on maternal-fetal surgery (MFS) and on the concept of clinical equipoise that is a widely accepted requirement for conducting randomized controlled trials (RCT). There are at least three reasons why equipoise is unsuitable for MFS. First, the concept is based on a misconception about the nature of clinical research and the status of research subjects. Second, given that it is not clear who the research subject/s in MFS is/are, if clinical equipoise is to be used as a (...)
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    Limits on the usefulness of Sensory Analysis.C. R. Cavonius & L. H. van der Tweel - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):296-297.
  6.  78
    Neural constructivism or self-organization?Peter C. M. Molenaar & Han L. J. van der Maas - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):783-784.
    Three arguments are given to show that neural constructivism lacks an essential ingredient to explain cognitive development. Based on results in the theory of adaptive signal analysis, adaptive biological pattern information and self-organization in nonlinear systems of information processing, it is concluded that neural constructivism should be further extended to accommodate the occurrence of phase transitions generating qualitative development in the sense of Piaget.
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    Can physicians conceive of performing euthanasia in case of psychiatric disease, dementia or being tired of living?Eva Elizabeth Bolt, Marianne C. Snijdewind, Dick L. Willems, Agnes van der Heide & Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):592-598.
  8.  13
    A Dedekind-Style Axiomatization and the Corresponding Universal Property of an Ordinal Number System.Zurab Janelidze & Ineke van der Berg - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1396-1418.
    In this paper, we give an axiomatization of the ordinal number system, in the style of Dedekind’s axiomatization of the natural number system. The latter is based on a structure $(N,0,s)$ consisting of a set N, a distinguished element $0\in N$ and a function $s\colon N\to N$. The structure in our axiomatization is a triple $(O,L,s)$, where O is a class, L is a class function defined on all s-closed ‘subsets’ of O, and s is a class function $s\colon O\to (...)
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    The Conjunction of 3102 B.C.B. L. Van der Waerden* - 1980 - Centaurus 24 (1):117-131.
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    The empirical detection of creativity.Han L. J. van der Maas & Peter C. M. Molenaar - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):555-555.
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    Stagewise cognitive development: An application of catastrophe theory.Han L. Van der Maas & Peter C. Molenaar - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):395-417.
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    Liberalism, Communitarianism and the Project of Self.W. L. van der Merwe & C. Jonker - 2001 - South African Journal of Philosophy 20 (3-4):271-290.
    In this article the authors seek to conceptualize a dynamic and inclusive understanding of personal identity within multicultural democracies such as South Africa, which will draw on both the liberal and communitarian traditions' respect for the project of self. A preliminary lay out for such a project emerges from a literature survey of recent, primarily South African publications on identity and culture, and it suggests that selfhood depends on: a) virtues, cultivated within cooperative communities which allow for effective freedom; b) (...)
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    Muscle co-activity tuning in Parkinsonian hand movement: disease-specific changes at behavioral and cerebral level.A. M. M. van der Stouwe, C. M. Toxopeus, B. M. de Jong, P. Yavuz, G. Valsan, B. A. Conway, K. L. Leenders & N. M. Maurits - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14. Making ethics work.J. C. Van Der Merwe, L. Lategan & P. Le Roux - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. De Fraine, T.-M. Tison, J.-M. Tison, W. Beuken, R. D'hondt, A. Van Kol, P. Fransen, P. Grootens, J. Mulders, J. Kerkhofs, F. Bossuyt, M. Dierickx, J. Vercruysse, C. Verhaak, L. Vander Kerken, H. Geurtsen, L. Van Bladel, H. Van der Lee, M. De Tollenaere, H. Meddens, Frans Vandenbussche, G. Schreiner, E. De Strycker, P. Van Doornik, F. Cuvelier, Em Janssen & E. Janssen - 1963 - Bijdragen 24 (4):432-464.
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    Die Betekenis van die bestaan van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeentes in Oos-Afrika 1910-1960.C. L. Van den Berg - 1965 - HTS Theological Studies 20 (3/4).
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  17. Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Stress on Mind.B. A. van der Kolk, A. C. McFarlane & L. Weisath - forthcoming - Body, and Society. New York: Guilford.
  18.  12
    Die kerk se bemoeienis met die jeug.C. L. Van den Berg - 1972 - HTS Theological Studies 28 (2).
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    Prof. H.P. Wolmarans as dosent.C. L. Van den Berg - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 15 (2/3/4).
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    Empowering Academics the Viskerian Way.Johannes L. van der Walt, Ferdinand J. Potgieter & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):223-240.
    Academics and/or scholars increasingly feel that their academic voice (combined or individual) has been squelched by the demands of performativity in its various guises, and resultantly, that they have been caught up in a process of steady disempowerment. Rather, it should be their right to be free to use their positions in the pursuit of scholarship as their conscience and their expert knowledge of their subject dictate. Academics should be free to question for themselves the boundaries of their limitations, and (...)
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    Cross-modal, bidirectional priming in grapheme-color synesthesia.Chris L. E. Paffen, Maarten J. Van der Smagt & Tanja C. W. Nijboer - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:325-333.
  22.  65
    (1 other version)Établir la qualité des preuves pour les situations de décision complexes et controversées.Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs, Arthur C. Petersen, Peter H. M. Janssen, James S. Risbey & Jerome R. Ravetz - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Les décisions politiques sur les risques environnementaux complexes font fréquemment intervenir des éléments scientifiques contestés. Il n’y a généralement pas de « faits » qui conduisent à une politique correcte unique. Les éléments de preuve qui sont intégrés dans les avis scientifiques destinés à une décision politique nécessitent une évaluation de leur qualité. En 2003, l’Agence néerlandaise d’évaluation environnementale a adopté une méthode standardisée, désignée sous le nom de « guide », dans le cadre de laquelle les principaux aspects de (...)
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    Inter-religious dialogue in schools: A pedagogical and civic unavoidability.A. Abdool, J. L. Van der Walt & C. Wolhuter - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    Towards understanding tolerance in education.Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johannes L. Van der Walt & Charste C. Wolhuter - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-08.
    In recent years, schools and education authorities world wide have been paying increasing attention to issues surrounding diversity and religious tolerance. The term 'tolerance' is, however, clouded by considerable confusion and vagueness. This article seeks to contribute to recent scholarly attempts at understanding tolerance and the term that denotes it. After a brief semantic analysis of the term 'tolerance', arguments concerning the onticity of tolerance as phenomenon or entity are discussed. By examining its onticity we explore and explain some of (...)
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  25.  35
    III. Zur aufteilung der ökologie in autökologie und synökologie, im lichte der ideen AlS grundlage der systematik der zoologischen disziplinen.C. J. van der Klaauw - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 2 (3):195-241.
    As we owe the division of ecology into autecology and synecology to botanists, the arguments for this subdivision and also the definitions and contents of both subsciences as given bySchröter, Flahault &Schröter, Gams andDu Rietz are communicated in full. The same is the case with the division of ecology given by the zoologistsAdams andChapman. Moreover the opinions of these authors in this respect are critisized in detail as well as in their general aspects. This critique is connected with the author's (...)
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  26.  31
    Managing education during the pandemic in the Netherlands and South Africa: A comparative study.Nicolaas A. Broer, Johannes L. van der Walt & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–8.
    Optimism has reigned supreme for a long time regarding the potential of education (schooling) to address the many societal ailments that humankind has had to deal with. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 shifted all such aspirations to the back-burner. Now, after just more than a year after the initial outbreak of the pandemic, the question can be raised whether those who managed the pandemic in the educational context followed the correct policies and instituted the correct (ethical, (...)
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    Deciding not to resuscitate in Dutch hospitals.J. J. van Delden, P. J. van der Maas, L. Pijnenborg & C. W. Looman - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (4):200-205.
    The use of do not resuscitate (DNR) orders in Dutch hospitals was studied as part of a nationwide study on medical decisions concerning the end of life. DNR decisions are made in 6 per cent of all admissions, and 61 per cent of all in-hospital deaths were preceded by a DNR decision. We found that in only 14 per cent of the cases had the patients been involved in the DNR decision (32 per cent of competent patients). The concept of (...)
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  28.  21
    Practice variation in the informed consent procedure for thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: a survey among neurologists and neurology residents.Sander M. van Schaik, Renske M. Van den Berg-Vos, Bastiaan C. ter Meulen, Marieke C. Visser, Frank de Beer, Jos P. L. Slenders & Valentijn J. Zonjee - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundObtaining informed consent for intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke can be challenging, and little is known about if and how the informed consent procedure is performed by neurologists in clinical practice. This study examines the procedure of informed consent for intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke in high-volume stroke centers in the Netherlands.MethodsIn four high volume stroke centers, neurology residents and attending neurologists received an online questionnaire concerning informed consent for thrombolysis with tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). The respondents were (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.L. Dequeker, Erik Eynikel, Antoon Schoors, P. C. Beentjes, F. De Meyer, L. Bakker, W. G. Tillmans, Marc Schneiders, Manien Parmentier, H. Hoet, Martin Parmentier, A. van de Pavert, Th Bell, Bernard Höfte, J. -J. Suurmond, Jos E. Vercruysse, A. B. Timmerman, A. H. C. van Eijk, A. van der Helm, W. Putman, Kitty Bouwman, Jeroen Vis & Hans Goddijn - 1992 - Bijdragen 53 (4):425-460.
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    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Hugo Houtgast, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, Gerard Rouwhorst, Rob Faesen, Ton Meijers, Marc Lindeijer, Karl-Wilhelm Merks, Arie L. Molendijk, Willem Marie Speelman, Chris N. van der Merwe & Walter Van Herck - 2006 - Bijdragen 67 (4):460-482.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J.-M. Tison, J. Mulders, H. Van der Lee, J. De Fraine, C. Verhaak, P. Franscn, P. Smulders, M. Dierickx, J. Kerkhofs, A. Van Kol, F. Bossuyt, J. Rupert, P. Fransen, N. Sprokel, E. De Strycker, H. Robbers, H. Leuridan, J. Nota, M. De Tollenaere, F. Cuvelier, P. Van Doornik, A. Houben, L. Bakker & P. Grootens - 1963 - Bijdragen 24 (3):319-348.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, M. J. J. Menken, Martin Parmentier, A. H. C. van Eijk, P. W. van der Horst, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, A. H. M. van Iersel, Bernard Höfte, W. G. Tillmans, L. van Tongeren, Liuwe H. Westra, J. Verhoeven, Luc Anckaert & Arie L. Molendijk - 1998 - Bijdragen 59 (1):94-115.
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    Comments on the paper “neutron irradiation damage in molybdenum, part I”, by D. M. Maher and B. L. Eyre.C. M. van der Walt - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (190):999-1000.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.W. J. Verdenius, M. Van Der Valk, J. H. Loenen, G. Van Hoorn, J. C. Kamerbeek, G. J. D. Aalders, J. T. H. M. F. Pieters, Jan Van Gelder, C. H. E. Haspels, A. W. Byvanck, R. E. H. Westendorp Boerma, A. D. Leeman, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, E. J. Jonkers, P. J. Enk, J. W. Ph Borleffs, L. G. Westerink & G. F. Diercks - 1957 - Mnemosyne 10 (4):341-376.
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    Het vaststellen van de mate van religieuze tolerantie bij leraren in opleiding.Nicolaas A. Broer, Abraham De Muynck, Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johannes L. Van der Walt & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):1-10.
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    Resting state functional connectivity differences between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease.Anne Hafkemeijer, Christiane Möller, Elise G. P. Dopper, Lize C. Jiskoot, Tijn M. Schouten, John C. van Swieten, Wiesje M. van der Flier, Hugo Vrenken, Yolande A. L. Pijnenburg, Frederik Barkhof, Philip Scheltens, Jeroen van der Grond & Serge A. R. B. Rombouts - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  37. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Generations of ‘shock absorbers’: women caregivers of young children and their efforts to mitigate food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.R. Lindberg, C. Parks, A. Bastian, A. L. Yaroch, F. H. McKay, P. van der Pligt, J. Zinga & S. A. McNaughton - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Despite their status as high-income food producing nations, children and their caregivers, both in the United States (U.S.) and Australia can experience food insecurity. Nutrition researchers formed a joint U.S.-Australia collaboration to help advance food security for households with young children aged 0–5 years. This study investigated food insecurity from the perspective of caregivers, especially their perceptions of the impact of food insecurity on their own childhood, their current life, and for the children in their care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted (...)
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  39. Generations of ‘shock absorbers’: women caregivers of young children and their efforts to mitigate food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.R. Lindberg, C. Parks, A. Bastian, A. L. Yaroch, F. H. McKay, P. van der Pligt, J. Zinga & S. A. McNaughton - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):35-51.
    Despite their status as high-income food producing nations, children and their caregivers, both in the United States (U.S.) and Australia can experience food insecurity. Nutrition researchers formed a joint U.S.-Australia collaboration to help advance food security for households with young children aged 0–5 years. This study investigated food insecurity from the perspective of caregivers, especially their perceptions of the impact of food insecurity on their own childhood, their current life, and for the children in their care. Semi-structured interviews were conducted (...)
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  40.  18
    Godsdienst in het onderwijs in Zuid-Afrika en Nederland: Een vergelijkende studie.Charl C. Wolhuter, Nico A. Broer & Johannes L. van der Walt - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    Religion in education in South Africa and the Netherlands: A comparative study. The aim of this article is the reconstruction and comparison of the historical evolution of the place and role of religion in education in South Africa and in the Netherlands. The article commences with an overview of the historical evolution of the place and role of religion in education, up to the present, and a discussion of the dissatisfaction and objections which could be and which have been levelled (...)
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  41. The Subjective Value of Product Popularity: A Neural Account of How Product Popularity Influences Choice Using a Social and a Quality Focus.Robert P. G. Goedegebure, Irene O. J. M. Tijssen, L. Nynke van der Laan & Hans C. M. van Trijp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research on social influences often distinguishes between social and quality incentives to ascribe meaning to the value that popularity conveys. This study examines the neural correlates of those incentives through which popularity influences preferences. This research reports an functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment and a behavioral task in which respondents evaluated popular products with three focus perspectives; unspecified focus, focus on social aspects, and focus on quality. The results show that value derived with a social focus reflects inferences of approval (...)
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    C.J.H. Jansen, J.M. Smits en L.C. Winkel , 16 juristen en hun filosofische inspiratie. Nijmegen 2004: Ars Aequi Libri. 232 pagina’s. ISBN 9069165120. [REVIEW]J. Zwart & M. J. C. M. van der Poel - 2005 - Philosophia Reformata 70 (2):169-173.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, Archibald L. H. M. van Wieringen, Martijn Schrama, Reimund Bieringer, G. J. M. Bartelink, Liuwe H. Westra, Rob Meens, Th Bell, Marcel Sarot, A. J. M. van der Helm, R. G. W. Huysmans, Ko Joosse, Jan Visser, Ben Vedder, Luc Anckaert, H. J. Adriaanse, Lourens Minnema, Arie L. Molendijk, C. Bakker & A. H. C. van Eijk - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (4):447-483.
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    The role of goals in belief selection.G. Boella, C. da Costa Pereira, G. Pigozzi, A. Tettamanzi & L. van der Torre - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (4):559-578.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, J. Lambrecht, Hendrik Hoet, Jaap van der Meij, W. G. Tillmans, Marcel Poorthuis, Th C. de Kruijf, B. Dehandschutter, Martin Parmentier, L. van Tongeren, Th Bell, J. Y. H. A. Jacobs, A. J. M. van der Helm, Hans Goddijn, H. J. Adriaanse, H. Rikhof, A. Braeckman, Henk Hoekstra & Johan G. Hahn - 1992 - Bijdragen 53 (1):86-111.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Marc Schneiders, J. Lambrecht, Wim Weren, Bart J. Koet, M. J. J. Menken, J. C. Delbeek, G. Rouwhorst, Jacques van Ruiten, Ulrich Hemel, W. G. Tillmans, Ad V. D. Helm, Ad van der Helm, Drs J. L. M. Vis, A. van de Pavert, H. J. Adriaanse, A. A. Derksen, Freda Dröes & Joh G. Hahn - 1990 - Bijdragen 51 (3):324-343.
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    Religieuze tolerantie vraagt onderwijs in gastvrijheid.Nicolaas A. Broer, A. de Muynck, Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johann L. van der Walt & Charl C. W. Wolhuter - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    The South African-Dutch research group responsible for this article started its activities in 2012 by looking at religious tolerance as a means of addressing the tendency for religious intolerance, extremism and fundamentalism. While tolerance seemed to be a promising way to counter religious intolerable behaviour, some shortcomings also became apparent. For example, the concept of tolerance includes an aspect of passivity towards others who adhere to another religion. The concept also does not appear to be able to respond to attitudes (...)
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    Plural religious beliefs: A Comparison between the Dutch and white South Africans.H. J. C. Pieterse, P. L. H. Scheepers & J. A. Van der Ven - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (1/2).
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    Boekbesprekingen.Erik Eynikel, Martin Parmentier, J. Lambrecht, Archibald L. H. M. van Wieringen, O. H. Steck, Bart J. Koet, José R. de Kwaadsteniet, M. J. H. M. Poorthuis, Martien Parmentier, G. Rouwhorst, T. J. van Bavel, Jaap van der Meij, C. Traets, J. -J. Suurmond, Bernard Höfte, Wil Straatman, A. J. M. van der Helm, I. Verhack, A. van de Pavert, Bert Defreyne, Johan G. Hahn, Joh G. Hahn & T. van den Hoogen - 1991 - Bijdragen 52 (4):436-463.
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    Clouded reality: News representations of culturally close and distant ethnic outgroups.Jeroen G. F. Jonkman, Toni G. L. A. Van der Meer, Damian Trilling & Anne C. Kroon - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):744-764.
    The current study explores how the cultural distance of ethnic outgroups relative to the ethnic ingroup is related to stereotypical news representations. It does so by drawing on a sample of more than three million Dutch newspaper articles and uses advanced methods of automated content analysis, namely word embeddings. The results show that distant ethnic outgroup members (i. e., Moroccans) are associated with negative characteristics and issues, while this is not the case for close ethnic outgroup members (i. e., Belgians). (...)
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